SCA 5 needs to be defeated

[Source: Fox & Hounds] Senate Constitutional Amendment 5 (SCA 5) is set for legislative hearing today. It deserves a quick defeat. Advanced by Sen. Ben Allen, D-Los Angeles, and Sen. Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo, SCA 5 would lower the current two-thirds vote requirement to pass local school district parcel taxes to 55% percent. Here are Read More…

With business groups allied against it, L.A. parcel tax faces big hurdle

[Source: EDSOURCE] Three Los Angeles area business associations have signed the official ballot argument opposing L.A. Unified’ s sizable 12-year parcel tax on the June 4 ballot — compounding the district’s challenge of getting a two-thirds majority required to pass it. The opponents include the influential Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. Parcel tax backers Read More…

Some small business owners could avoid cap on state and local tax deduction after IRS clarifies new rules

[Source: Los Angeles Times] Small business owners could avoid a new federal limit on state and local tax deductions after the Internal Revenue Service said Wednesday that rules it released last month to prevent efforts in California and other states to circumvent the cap apply only to individuals. Businesses will be allowed to claim a Read More…