State high court says regional entity has discretion in environmental analysis

[Source: CalChamber] In a narrowly drafted ruling, the California Supreme Court upheld a regional government body’s discretion regarding the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions analysis it included in the environmental impact report (EIR) under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for its regional transportation plan. While the court emphasized that its decision was “not a general Read More…

On-call rest periods are not allowed, California Supreme Court rules

[Source: CalChamber/HR Watchdog] California employers will need to re-examine their rest-break policies and practices. In a disappointing decision for California businesses, the California Supreme Court ruled today that on-call rest periods are not permissible. Today’s decision will require many California employers to re-examine their rest-break policies and practices. Supreme Court Ruling In Augustus, et al. Read More…