There’s a growing possibility of a W-shaped economic recovery — and it’s scary

[Source: The Washington Post] There are growing concerns that any economic recovery later this year could prove short-lived because of a possible deadly resurgence of the novel coronavirus and a late spike in bankruptcies and defaults, a wicked combination that could cause households and businesses that barely survived the spring lockdown to go under later Read More…

Reminder: properly document FFCRA leave to claim tax credits

[Source: CalChamber] Employers are becoming familiar with the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which provides new COVID-19-related federal emergency paid sick leave and emergency family and medical leave. As employees start using the new leave, it’s important for employers to collect and maintain proper documentation, not only for their own records, but also Read More…

Avoid liability: on-call rules to know

[Source: CalChamber] In this episode of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Executive Vice President and General Counsel Erika Frank and employment law expert Jennifer Shaw discuss the difference between “restricted” and “unrestricted” on-call shifts, and what issues may arise with the Paycheck Protection Program if employers place workers on on-call shifts. Restricted vs. Unrestricted As more Read More…

White House readies push to slash regulations as major part of its coronavirus economic recovery plan

[Source: The Washington Post] Senior White House and Trump administration officials are planning to launch a sweeping effort in the coming days to repeal or suspend federal regulations affecting businesses, with the expected executive action seen by advisers as a way to boost an economy facing its worst shock in generations, two people familiar with Read More…

Thousands of OSHA complaints filed against companies for virus workplace safety concerns

[Source: The Washington Post] People working during the pandemic have filed thousands of complaints regarding their exposure to the novel coronavirus and a lack of safeguards at their places of employment, according to records obtained under a Freedom of Information request and reviewed by The Washington Post. The employee complaints offer a snapshot of the Read More…