Air quality board orders new rules to reduce emissions

[Source: Los Angeles Business Journal] Local air quality regulators on May 4 ordered the development of new rules targeting warehouses, rail yards, the San Pedro ports, airports and new development. The governing board of the South Coast Air Quality Management District announced it voted 7-6 to direct staff to write rules aimed at reducing smog-forming Read More…

Southern California regulators have a chance to rein in freight pollution. Will they take it?

[Source: Los Angeles Times] Over and over in their decades-long war on smog, Southern California regulators have failed to use a powerful tool against ports, warehouses and other freight and logistics hubs that are magnets for air pollution. Now, the South Coast Air Quality Management District is considering a proposal to regulate warehouses, rail yards Read More…

Los Angeles small business attitudes

[Source: 1st Century Bank and Beacon Economics] Small companies are drivers of ingenuity and progression, yet within the economic sector, their contributions are often overlooked. The media relies largely on macro data — primarily GDP and the S&P 500 (a snapshot of the largest 500 publicly traded companies) — to gauge the health of the Read More…

The SCAQMD wants to raise your taxes

[Source: OC Register] In what appears to be the very definition of an out-of-control government agency, the staff of the South Coast Air Quality Management District has decided to pursue its own plan for raising the sales tax in four counties by a quarter-percent. The SCAQMD doesn’t have the authority to put tax-increase proposals on Read More…